README.txt ========== A module containing helper functions for Drupal developers and inquisitive admins. This module can print a log of all database queries for each page request at the bottom of each page. The summary includes how many times each query was executed on a page, and how long each query took. It also - a block for running custom PHP on a page - a block for quickly accessing devel pages - a block for masquerading as other users (useful for testing) - reports memory usage at bottom of page - more This module is safe to use on a production site. Just be sure to only grant 'access development information' permission to developers. Also a dpr() function is provided, which pretty prints arrays and strings. Useful during development. Many other nice functions like dpm(), dvm(). AJAX developers in particular ought to install FirePHP Core from and put it in the devel directory. Your path to fb.php should looks like devel/FirePHPCore/lib/FirePHPCore/fb.php. You can use svn checkout Then you can log php variables to the firebug console. Is quite useful. Included in this package is also: - devel_node_access module which prints out the node_access records for a given node. Also offers hook_node_access_explain for all node access modules to implement. Handy. - devel_generate.module which bulk creates nodes, users, comment, terms for development Some nifty drush integration ships with devel and devel_generate. See drush help for details. COMPATIBILITY NOTES ================== - Modules that use AHAH may have incompatibility with the query log and other footer info. Consider setting $GLOBALS['devel_shutdown'] = FALSE in order to avoid issues. - Modules that use AJAX should idenify their response as Content-type: text/javascript. The easiest way to do that is run your reply through drupal_json(). DRUSH UNIT TEST ================== See develDrushTest.php for an example of unit testing of the Drush integration. This uses Drush's own test framework, based on PHPUnit. To run the tests, use phpunit --bootstrap=/path/to/drush/tests/ Note that we must name a file under /tests there. AUTHOR/MAINTAINER ====================== Moshe Weitzman Hans Salvisberg