1173 Budapest, Hajdúcsárda u. 2.  TEL: +36-1-254-0200




Our site is located in the XVII. district near the downtown of Budapest where we deal with Short- and Long-term rental of cars, Car Fleet Management, Selling of used cars and we also operate an independent car service




Our Address


H-1173 Hungary Budapest,

Hajducsarda street 2.

E-mail: info@euro-motors.hu

Tel: +36-70-944-9470

Fax: 06-1-254-0207





Our company is present with three business activitie

on the Hungarian market


New Car Business

Being impartial allows us to provide the highest discounts to our contracted partners irrespective from the way of purchase. The discounts are provided by the importers directly to us ensuring that our contracted partners receive the highest level of discounts.


New Motorcycle Business

From April 2011 we opened our show room where we sell and service the PVG Groups products (Aprilia, Vespa, Moto-Guzzi, Gilera, Piaggio, Gilera, Derbi) as their official Dealership.


Used Car Business

Our company has been dealing with used cars since 1998. We consider it important that used vehicles marketed by us are bought from reliable sources these are ensured by status sheet and verified vehicle history, should it be from a Hungarian or foreign source. If required we provide help in new vehicle purchase. Our customers are supported with our advices and experience during their purchase achieving the best deal for them should the purchase be a normal buy or funding.




Independent Car and Motorcycle Sevice Station and Service Network


In the life cycle of an enterprise the second biggest cost element is the operation of the car fleet. Euro-Motorss main objective is to fulfil the requirements of enterprises in relations to mobility and vehicle needs with a customer-oriented behaviour reaching the best value for price. Owing to our competence and skilled staff we are able to continuously provide our Customers with an appropriate level of service at the most reasonable prices. Unlike many other brand shops we are brand-independent therefore after comparing offers from different suppliers and importers we purchase our retrofitting accessories from the most favourable source.


As a car is essential in the life of a company your disabled vehicle can immediately be taken into repair at no extra charge even if you have not reported it beforehand. We guarantee to carry out repairs in the shortest possible time working closely to the deadline. If necessary our Clients may check in the internal record of our company whether the prices stated on the repair and service invoices are both correctly calculated and in accordance with the contracted conditions.


In order to provide a nationwide service in 2011 we built up our service partner network which facilitates a 24-hour duty service at 60 points in Hungary.




Fleet management, leasing service


The third but most important pillar of our company are the rental and leasing of vehicles be it a short one-day car rental or the complete fleet management covering all needs. Our services aim to relieve the Customer of complicated fleet management, our counselling service helps to find the best possible investment, financing and administrative solutions.


Euro Motors' mission is to provide our Customers with unique, tailor made, quality services enabling a comprehensive fleet management.


The first member of Euro Motors Group has been present on the local automitive market since 1998. The founding members established the company because they realised that there was an uncovered segment in the Hungarian car service sector. To this day all providers of the market have built up only on intermediated services. There is neither any personal relationship nor any individual service for the Customer. Instead of concentrating on covering his needs only financing is concerned with.


As a consequence the founding members have set up a service provider company which aims to directly serve the individual customer. Fleet management for the Customer!


This idea has been proven over the past years. We can proudly say that our group has Customers utilising a fleet of more than 500 vehicles. By 2011 the number of cars operated by our company has achieved 1800 units.




The vehicle management branch of Euro-Motors offers the following benefits, options

(not intended to be exhaustive)

  • Cost minimization

  • Optimized vehicle fleet

  • Affordable insurance policies

  • Flexible financing (different leasing options, currencies, durations)

  • Flexible options with different durations

  • Individual administration

  • Administration and information for Customers

  • Financial reports and other kinds of statements

  • Individual conditions in purchasing and sales

  • Fuel service

  • Euro-Motors customer services in Hungary, the Chech Republik, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia and in Rumania.

  • Euro-Motors own 24-hour roadside assistance (non-contractors)

  • Euro-Motors own car rental service

  • Euro-Motors own workshop for all needs and at high capacity

  • Euro-Motors own car collection service with our staff

  • Guaranteed flat rate service prices

  • Euro-Motors own tyre shop and seasonal tyre warehouse

  • Euro-Motors own car wash

  • Euro-Motors own car storage premises with security surveillance

  • Euro-Motors own insurance administration, damage assessment (in the case of minor damages on the premises of the Clients)

  • Retrofitting complete winter, summer sets

  • Customer care on location

  • All-round supply of retrofitting accessories

  • Subleasing options

  • Ceased cash flow

  • Increasing liquidity, positive cash-flow effect

  • Controlled fleet costs

  • Euro-Motors offers assistance to all participants of economy from individuals to all kinds of corporate Customers.

Euro-Motors offers assistance to all participants of economy from individuals to all kinds of corporate Customers.




Our services are of three main types:

  • different solutions for financing (loans, financial leasing, operative leasing)

  • insurances, taxes (CASCO, third party liability insurance, tax by engine sizes, tax on corporate vehicles, cargo insurance, etc.)

  • management (car workshop, maintenance, car motion, etc.)

I. Financing

Our company can manage the financing of any fleet-sizes.

Vehicle financing can be divided into three main categories:


loan - this form is mainly preferred by individuals as it can affect the profit and loss account of companies or their ratings. The vehicle licence and the vehicle registration document are both on the name of the borrower. The vehicle registration document is with the creditor as a collateral until the full repayment therefore the vehicle can not be encumbered or sold. Business associations can record the vehicle in their books and the depreciation can be charged at an annual rate of 20%.Interests on monthly repayments can also be charged. The ownership is with the borrower for the whole duration. At the end of the repayment the financed value can be calculated to zero or the depreciated value.


financial leasing - The finance company is the legal owner of the asset during duration of the lease. The vehicle registration document is held by lessor until the end of the lease. The instalments are net amounts and only their interests can be deducted. Business associations can record the vehicle in their books and the depreciation can be charged at an annual rate of 20%.In the case of individuals only the ownership of the asset is the difference as it is transferred to the name of the individual at the end of the duration. At the end of the repayment the financed value can be calculated to zero or to the depreciated value.


operational lease (rental) - The vehicle is owned by the lessor and the operating rights are also recorded in the vehicle registration document under his name. The costs are gross and can be charged. The vehicle is recorded in the books of the lessor. The ownership of the vehicle is not transferred to the name of the lessee even at the termination of the contract.


The Euro-Motors group can offer for its Customers all the above types of financing.We can help to choose the best option. Our company is rated by the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority as a multiple agent as a consequence we are working together with numerous large finance companies as our contractors e.g. CIB Group, Markantil Bank, MKB Euroleasing, BAF, Arval (BNP Paribas Group (Arval), Porsche Leasing, etc. As a result of this our Customers can obtain the most individual and competitive offers. For any chosen lease option the Clients can require any service from our fleet management portfolio.


II. Insurances, taxes

Euro-Motors offers to its Customers tailor-made insurance conditions. CASCO and liability insurance premiums can be completed by different options (e.g. individual baggage insurance). As a broker we can request any insurance types on behalf of our Customers through our insurance partners.

We can negotiate weight-tax with the local authorities. The tax for company vehicles is paid by our company for our Customer (according to the contract)



Euro-Motors offers to its Customers individual services according to negotiated terms.Depending on the type of financing almost all kinds of services can be provided.Our services can be divided into three main categories.

Car Repairs - Car rental - Other services


Car Repairs


These services contain repairs, maintenance actions, motion of vehicles, a 24-hour roadside assistance, tyre service and insurance administration, cleanup.


repair, maintenance - In this service Euro-Motors group arranges regular mainenance and repair actions of vehicles within the compulsory intervals. Our company is a contractor of numerous brand and specialist workshops and eligible for discounted prices which we pass on to our Clients. Euro-Motors group charges only the required repairs, through this there are no extra items on your invoice. These facts can optimise effectively your repair and maintenance costs.


vehicle moving - We can move, transport your vehicle individually (e.g. between premises and workshops).That is, we arrange the date of repair, we take your vehicle over at your chosen location, we carry out the required maintenance actions and transport the vehicle to any location specified by the Customer. All of this most confidentially.


24-hour roadside assistance - Euro-Motors provides its Customers with a 24-hour breakdown cover. In case of any technical failures we immediately begin with the rescue and if needed we can also provide a replacement vehicle.


tyre service - Euro-Motors arranges for its Clients the replacement and storing of winter-summer tyre sets at any location in the country. The seasonal replacements are carried out by our own mobile technical team able to do this work for some 50 vehicles daily. Euro-Motors can be a valuable partner for tyre replacements as well. We are eligible for significant discounts on purchase prices which we pass on to the Clients. The discount can even reach 45 percent depending on the chosen tyre brand.


administration of breakages - In case of an insurance damage Euro-Motors can arrange the rescue, the replacement car insurances and the repairs of the damaged vehicles. Most important in this procedure are our own damage assessors as they transport the damaged vehicle to the premises immediately after the incident, they assess the damage and collect the approval from the insurance company. Eventually the ironing of the damaged body can start in the contracted workshop. That means the vehicle can return as quick as possible to the Customer in order to minimise all other extra costs of the incident.


Car rental service

If the Customer requires Euro-Motors can always provide replacement or rented cars of different category.The term of the rental can reach from a one-day to a monthly rental or even to longer periods.


Other services

Here is an incomplete list of our most important services:

  • When needed Euro-Motors can provide its Customers with fuel cards and prepare reports about their use.

  • When needed we can prepare vehicles for the winter or summer. We can supply special winter packages e.g. windscreen wash liquid for winter, ice dissolver, scratcher etc.

  • Our driver service can provide our Customers with drivers for long or shorter terms.

  • We can operate GPS vehicle monitoring systems for our Customers, recording private and business miles, and based on the records we can prepare monthly reports. Other possibilities include: calculation of covered distance, current positioning, current speed, average speed, average consumption which can be very important in case of an accident.

  • We can install and maintain cellular phone speakers, alarms for individual needs.

  • Euro-Motors can do the car wash and cleaning for its Customers.

  • Euro-Motors offers to its Customers individual reports.

  • At the end of the duration Euro-Motors can arrange the sale of used vehicles.

  • Euro-Motors group can offer individual vehicle purchase prices for its Customers.

  • Euro-Motors group offers special vehicle decorations or even the manufacturing of individual vehicles.


Services provided by Euro-Motors group have the following benefits:

  • The fixed assets of a business association can be made liquid. It is not worth for our Customers keeping liabilities in "outsourcing" activities that are not connected to their business.

  • To outsource the ownership and management of the fleet with an independent, professional and experienced company can have beneficial finance results.

  • Thanks to our partners, own premises and repair workshops of our company the maintenance and operational costs of vehicles are minimised.

  • In addition to car usage Euro-Motors group provides the undisturbed and economical operation of a fleet.

  • Outsourcing your fleet can free you from numerous administrative work. Weekly invoices are investigable as we prepare and hand out enclosures in electronic form therefore it is possible to check the costs of a car by registration number or cost center.

  • Our Clients can save not only time and money by using our services but also they can spare work force as they do not have to arrange activities outside of their business profiles.

  • Thanks to the large number of our fleet we can get discounts for all costs related to vehicle operation (purchase, repair, tyre supply and replacement) which can mean a cost reduction also for our Customers.





Euro-Motors Csoport © 2008-2015